About us


At Maid In Rossendale We believe That Your Time Is Precious. We Think That Whatever Your Reasons Are For Hiring Us, We Can Make Your House Into A Home. A Home You Can Relax, Work, Entertain Or Just Spend Time With Family and Friends In. Take The Stress Out Of Everyday Life And Let Us Worry About It For You. 

We Are Fully Insured And DBS Checked As Well

Our Team

Lisa Waller

Company Founder

"Take Back Your Weekends, And Let Me Do All The Hard Work For You"

Sam Carter

Cleaning Specialist

"I'm Excited To Make Your Home Gleaming!"

Toni-Louise Fay

Cleaning Specialist

"I Look Forward To Making Your Home Sparkle Again!"

Maid In Rossendale Ltd, 3 Hill Street, Crawshawbooth, BB4 8NS 07949 819 701
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